When you close-caption your audio content, you extend your market reach by ten percent or more.Closed captions typically display a transcription of the audio portion of a program as it occurs, making the content accessible to those who can’t hear it. That includes not only the ten percent of the population who are deaf/hard of hearing, but an increasingly broader audience who rely on a purely visual experience.
As the Baby Boomers age, their years of high-decibel listening is catching up to them. This means the deaf/hard of hearing population is growing in numbers and purchasing power.
But captioning appeals to an even broader portion of the population than you might imagine. School children learning to read, adults mastering reading skills and those learning English as a second language all depend on closed captioning to help them get ahead.
Captioning also appeals to anyone who’s anywhere sound would distract others or be obscured by background noise. No doubt you’ve seen closed captions displayed on televisions in bars, health clubs and airports. Those who watch your videos and webcasts on their laptops in loud or public places need captioning too.
Captioning can even build traffic to your web site! Today powerful new search engines read a program’s captions, index them, and give the program higher ranking in search results. This trend will only grow stronger over time.
So when you add captions to your web videos and webcasts, you extend your market reach by at least ten percent—and probably more—at a very low relative cost. And research shows that those who depend on closed captioning are exceptionally loyal to the companies who use it to include them in their community. You can look forward to their patronage for years to come.
To find out more about how closed captioning can help your online presentations, get our special report. To discover how easy and affordable it can be to reach out to this loyal, dynamic market with closed captioning, call 877-549-7483.